Providing laboratory analysis services with modern technology for all environmental samples, including cosmetics, medicines, sediments, water, livestock feed, petroleum materials and their derivatives, and blood samples.

Analysis of the basic components of nutrients (content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, moisture).

Estimation of vitamins and preservatives in foodstuffs and estimation of hormones, enzymes, etc., in the biological samples.

Determination of heavy metal residues in foodstuffs, water, air, and soil samples.

Determination of mycotoxin residues in food and biological samples.

Accurate diagnosis of viral diseases, some bacterial and fungal diseases.

Direct and accurate microscopic examination of microbes.

Providing vitamin D investigation service in the blood to community members, including university employees and outside the university, at competitive prices in the market for the purpose of community service.

Providing heavy metal investigation service for autistic patients.

Adding many investigations based on the request of companies and customers.
Conducting training courses on all environmental and biological devices and analyzes for graduate students at the university and for employees of different companies.