Cooperation is carried out with various companies in Alexandria governorate to monitor the quality of production to ensure the quality of the Egyptian product and its compliance with the Egyptian standard specifications, including Food Industries Company (forka), agro Egypt, Noble aromatics, international aromatics, Al-Rawda for agricultural development, Al-Nasr for cardboard and paper industry, Ameria for spinning and weaving and others.
Technical consultations are provided to government bodies and institutions, the public and private sectors, and contribute to finding solutions to environmental problems facing society, such as water pollution, industrial and agricultural drainage problems, and food to match environmental specifications.
Cooperation with all Egyptian universities and research centres in various types of research that serve society and the environment, including faculty of Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Minya and Mansoura University, Institute of Medical Research, Faculty of Specific Education, National Institute of marine sciences and Fisheries.
Providing investigations to community members as a whole, including University and non-university employees, at competitive prices in the market in order to serve community.