Year 2020-2021
1- Knowledge of Female University Students about Obesity and its Adverse Effects on Reproductive Health
2- Breast Cancer Patients’ Experience about Involvement in Health Care: A Qualitative Study
3- Situational Analysis and Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in Egypt
4- Public Willingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccines in Saudi Arabia
5- Physicians’ Perspectives on and Experiences with Breast Cancer Patient Involvement in Health Care
6- COVID -19 Infection Prevention and Control: Review of Country Experiences
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Physicians and Pharmacists Working in Alexandria Governmental Hospitals Regarding Food Drug and Drug Nutrient Interactions
7- Serologic Profile of Hepatitis B Virus among Pregnant Women in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt
8- Hepatitis C among Hospital Personnel and Patients at a General Hospital in Kafr Elsheikh Governorate, Egypt
9- Serum MiRNA-23a as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker of Hepatitis C Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
10- Drug shortage crisis in Sudan in times of COVID-19
Effect of Aspartame and Sucralose Artificial Sweeteners on Weight and Lipid Profile of Male Albino Rats
11- COVID–19 Cases Isolated in an Alexandria University Student Dormitory
Merits and Demerits of COVID-19 Vaccines
12- Evaluation of the Microbial Quality of Food Served in a University Hospital in Alexandria
13- Vector-Borne Diseases in Egypt: Present status and accelerating towards elimination
14- Evaluation of Nordmann–Dortet–Poirel Test as a Rapid and Direct Method of Detection of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases in Urinary Tract Infections
15- Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation, and Women’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention to Practice in Egypt: A Nationwide Survey
16- The Effect of an Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior about Healthy Dietary Habits among Adolescent Females
17- Nutritional Assessment of Adult Acute Leukemia Patients
Microbiological profile of chronic suppurative otitis media among patients attending outpatient clinics at alexandria main university hospital, Egypt
18- Emergency Department Crowding of a General Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt
19- Oral Isotretinoin and its Association with Liver Functions and Cholesterol Level among Acne Patients
20- Cost-Effectiveness of National Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Developing Countries, with Reference to the Recent Egyptian Initiative
21- Online health information seeking and health literacy among non-medical college students: gender differences
22- Regression Tree Modelling to Predict Total Average Extra Costs in Household Spending During COVID-19 Pandemic
23- Public willingness to adhere to COVID-19 precautionary measures in Sudan: an application of the Health Belief Model
24- Efficacy and safety of remdesivir in hospitalized Covid-19 patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis including network meta-analysis
25- Recommendation of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination for Pregnant Females in a Country that Achieved Elimination of Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. A commentary on the Study: Knowledge and Health Beliefs of Reproductive-age Women in Alexandria about Tetanus Toxoid Immunization"
26- HBV, HCV and HIV among female sex workers; is it a health problem?
27- Governance structures and practices in for-profit and not-for profit hospitals in Egypt
28- Effect of a weight loss program on serum adiponectin and insulin resistance among overweight and obese premenopausal females
30- Depression among medical students in Alexandria, Egypt
31- Knowledge and health beliefs of reproductive-age women in Alexandria about tetanus toxoid immunization
32- Public Health Significance of Campylobacter jejuni
33- Exploring Challenges to COVID-19 Vaccination in the Darfur Region of Sudan.
34- Caesarean section: Sixteen-years’ trend, risk factors and attitudes of females delivered at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
35- Acne vulgaris: prevalence, severity, and impact on quality of life and self-esteem among Egyptian adolescents
36- Survival Patterns of Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan"
37- 180P Factors associated with late-stage diagnosis of breast cancer among Egyptian women
38- Microbiological quality of non-sterile pharmaceuticals in Egypt
39- Application of protection motivation theory to diabetic foot care Behaviours in Egypt
40- Missed nursing care, non-nursing tasks, staffing adequacy, and job satisfaction among nurses in a teaching hospital in Egypt
41- Self-medication among Alexandria University students and effect of an educational intervention on their self-medication knowledge, attitudes and practices
42- A journey through the history of dialysis in sub-Saharan Africa
43- Combination of silver nanoparticles with ineffective antibiotics against extended spectrum beta-lactamases producing isolates at Alexandria Main University Hospital, Egypt
44- A Community Pharmacy-Based Intervention in the Matrix of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outcomes (CPBI-T2DM): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
45- The formidable task of fighting COVID-19 in Sudan
46- Role of environmental surfaces and hands of healthcare workers in perpetuating multi-drug-resistant pathogens in a neonatal intensive care unit
47- Intimate partner violence among Arab women before and during the COVID-19 lockdown
48- Identifying factors increasing the risk of acquiring HIV among Egyptians to construct a consensus web-based tool for HIV risk assessment
49- Elimination of schistosomiasis requires multifactorial diagnostics: evidence from high- and low-prevalence areas in the Nile Delta, Egypt
50- Pneumonia among under-five children in Alexandria, Egypt: a case-control study
51- National health systems strengthening as the primary strategy to achieve Universal Health Coverage in African countries
52- Evaluation of Praziquantel Effectivenss After Decades of Prolonged Use in an Endemic Area in Egypt
53- Validity and reliability of the Arabic version of the "Personal Wellbeing Index-Adults" on adults with hearing impairment
54- Beneficial Role of Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation against Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Autistic Children
55- The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination psychological antecedent assessment using the Arabic 5c validated tool: An online survey in 13 Arab countries
56- Causes of under-five mortality using verbal autopsy and social autopsy studies (VASA) in Alexandria, Egypt, 2019
57- Quantitative determination of selenium in the most common food items sold in Egypt
58- Protective Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica against Diabetes in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
59- Protective Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica against Diabetes in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
60- Predicting coronary heart disease using risk assessment charts and risk factor categories
61- Vaccine hesitancy: the greatest threat to COVID-19 vaccination programs
62- Review on the burger effect: Beef industry and climate change
63- Attributes of smoking cessation in the Egyptian community: dependence matters
64- Prevalence of Obesity among King Khalid University students in, 2020, Saudi Arabia
65- COVID-19 Psychological Impact on Health Care Workers in Saudi Arabia
66- Survey on the Causes of Road Traffic Accidents in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq"
67- Effectiveness of health education in reducing secondhand smoke exposure among pregnant women visiting the antenatal clinic in Saudi Arabia: A randomized controlled trial
68- Effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination in chronic HCV patients after successful generic direct acting antiviral therapy: significance of isolated hepatitis B core antibodies
69- General Population Awareness Regarding Colorectal Cancer and its Determinants in Aseer region, Saudi Arabia"
70- Psychiatric morbidity and dietary habits during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study among Egyptian Youth (14–24 years)
71- Spatio-temporal Distribution of Meningitis in HIV Patients in Northern Egypt (2000-2018)
72- High Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Antibody in Breast Cancer Patients in Egypt
73- Appropriateness of Admission to General Medical-Surgical ICUs in a University Teaching Hospital "A prospective follow-up study"
74- Skin Disorders Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Children in Alexandria, Egypt
75- Mental Health of COVID-19 Patients—A Cross-Sectional Survey in Saudi Arabia
76- Antibacterial Effect of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
77- Prevalence and risk factors of HBV and HCV co-infection among people living with HIV in an Egyptian setting.
78- Arabic validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the 5C scale for assessment of COVID-19 vaccines psychological antecedents
79- Awareness, attitude, and practice regarding E-cigarettes among students at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia"
80- Assessment of oxidative stress among refueling workers in an Egyptian setting
81- Violence against Women in a Slum Area in Helwan, Cairo, Egypt: A Community Based Survey
82- An Epidemiological Study of Female Breast Cancer in SulaymaniyahCity, Iraqi Kurdistan
83- Performance and modification of EGCRISC among hepatitis C virus high-risk groups
84- Evaluation of Interferon Gamma Release Assay in the Diagnosis of Active and Latent Tuberculosis among Patients and Contacts
85- Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation on Anthropometrical Parameters and Dietary Intake of Autistic Children
86- Prevalence and association between sleep, stress, and physical activity among medical students in southern region" Saudi Arabia"
87- Copper IUD increases virulence of non-albicans Candida species isolated from women with vulvovaginal candidiasis
88- Enhanced mosquitocidal efficacy of pyrethroid insecticides by nanometric emulsion preparation towards Culex pipiens larvae with biochemical and molecular docking studies
89- Study of some risk factors for fungal contamination of dental unit waterlines in Alexandria, Egypt
90- Vitamin D Content in Some Food Items Sold in Egyptian Markets
91- GIS-Based Analysis Framework to Identify the Determinants of COVID-19 Incidence and Fatality in Africa
92- Effect of First Aids Program on Workers′ Knowledge and Practices in Kom Hamada Spinning and Weaving Factory
93- The Socio-Demographic Characteristics Associated with Non-Communicable Diseases among the Adult Population of Dubai: Results from Dubai Household Survey 2019
94- Prevalence of primary headache among King Khalid University students in 2019
95- General population awareness regarding iron deficiency anaemia and its relation with nutrition and dietary habits
96- Development and Validation of a Biobank Questionnaire Intended for the Public in the Arab Region
97- Safety and Efficacy of Teplizumab for Treatment of Type One Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis- Be careful with ecological associations
98- Perceptions of Traumatic Brain Injury among Preventive Medicine Program Residents in Aseer Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
99- Determinants of antenatal and postnatal care service utilization in Burundi: analysis of the 2016-2017 Burundian demographic and health survey
100- Vitamin D Deficiency and Clinically Detected Scoliosis among Male Adolescents at High-Altitude Area in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
101- Experience of Basic Life Support among King Khalid University Health Profession Students, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
102- COVID-19-Related Mortality across the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Based on Countries ,Available Data Up to November, 2020"
103- Preliminary Validation of a Patient Satisfaction Instrument in the Emergency Department
104- Challenges and Opportunities towards the Development of Risk Assessment at the Consumer Phase in Developing Countries—The Case of Campylobacter Cross-89- Contamination during Handling of Raw Chicken in Two Middle Eastern Countries
105- Dietary practices of adult Egyptians before and during the COVID-19 lockdown
106- Domestic Saudi Arabian Travellers’ Understanding about COVID-19 and Its Vaccination
107- Association between mode of delivery and breastfeeding practices in Egypt: secondary analysis of Egypt Demographic and Health Survey
108- Study of stigma among depressed and COVID-19 infected patients
109- Quality of life among caregivers of asthmatic children attending pulmonology clinics at Hamad General Hospital, Qatar
110- Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among the General Population in Saudi Arabia during Covid-19 Pandemic
111- Contemporary public image of the nursing profession in Saudi Arabia
112- Association between maternal high-risk fertility behavior and anemia among reproductive age women in Ethiopia
113- Knowledge & Awareness of Measles among Foreign Workers Screened for Employment in Qatar
114- Attributes of HIV infection over decades (1982–2018): A systematic review and meta-analysis
115- Impact of probiotic intake on the glycemic control, lipid profile and inflammatory markers among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
116- Evaluation of Dietary Intake Analysis Using Egyptian Modified Food Processor Software and Traditional Method: A Comparative Study
117- How accurate is the diagnosis of rheumatic fever in Egypt? Data from the national rheumatic heart disease prevention and control program (2006-2018)
118- Study of stigma among depressed and COVID-19 infected patients
119- Current Practices and Existing Gaps of Continuing Medical Education among Resident Physicians in Abha City, Saudi Arabia
120- In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of endosequence BC and AH plus root canal sealers on enteroccocus faecalis
121- Intention of Healthcare Workers to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-Sectional Survey in 10 Countries in Eastern Mediterranean Region
122- Impact of probiotic intake on the glycemic control, lipid profile and inflammatory markers among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
123- Microbial Contamination of Neonatal Injectable Lipid Emulsions at 12 and 24 Hours' Infusion Time With Evaluation of Infection Control Measures
124- COVID-19 in patients on kidney replacement therapy - clinical characteristics at triage associated with admission, readmission and short-term outcomes
125- Burnout among frontline health professionals in two African countries: a cross sectional study from Egypt and Sudan
126- Willingness to Vaccinate against COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers: An Online Survey in 10 Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
127- A Short-Term Forecast Scenario for COVID-19 Epidemic and Allocated Hospital Readiness in Egypt
128- Development and Validation of a Biobank Questionnaire Intended for the Public in the Arab Region