
Family Health department aims to be a national and regional model for promotion and enhancement of family health. We aim to be admired for leadership that emphasizes intellectual and personal development for students and staff: in addition to teaching excellence, innovated research and effective partnership with all parties concerned with family health promotion.


The Mission of the department of Family Health, through its different specialties of MCH, Adolescent and School Health, Mental health, Geriatrics and Public Health Nursing, is to prepare future high quality health professionals and promising leaders in different sectors of family health.

This is accomplished through:

1. Prepare and provide quality updated educational programs that encourage creative thinking and enable the students to develop innovative approaches for the relevant public health problems.

2. Supervise scientific thesis in relevant emerging community problems and providing their findings and recommendations to the decision makers in order to enhance community development.

3. Conduct community-based multidisciplinary family health researches targeting the vulnerable groups for the development of applicable prevention/intervention programs.

4. Implement training programs in different scopes of family health that provide the health personnel with appropriate skills that contribute in the development of human resources.

5. Design and conduct community-based services in collaboration with stakeholders to ensure quality sustained community health services

6. Share our intellectual and specialized capabilities to provide consultancies on local, national and international communities and organizations.