التهاب الكبد الفيروسي

فيروس كورونا

الإيجابية المصلية لـ SARS-CoV-2

مجلة المعهد العالي للصحة العامة (JHIPH) هي مجلة دولية مفتوحة الوصول مع إسناد المشاع الإبداعي. تنشر مقالات أصلية ومراجعة تغطي جميع مجالات الصحة العامة. لها نطاق واسع يشمل علم الأوبئة ، والوقاية من الأمراض المعدية وغير المعدية ومكافحتها ، والرعاية الأولية للأسرة ، والتغذية ، والصحة البيئية ، وإدارة النظم والخدمات الصحية ، والطب المهني ، والصحة الصناعية ، والتثقيف الصحي وتعزيز الصحة.
للاطلاع على الأجهزة المعملية الموجودة بمعامل أقسام المعهد المختلفة وكذلك الوحدات ذات الطابع الخاص و التعرف على الاستخدامات المختلفة لكل جهاز وصورته أنقر الصورة عاليه.
تتضمن مجموعة من الباحثين من مختلف أقسام المعهد العالى للصحة العامة أو بالأشتراك مع باحثين من خارج المعهد، وجميعهم مهتمون بأبحاث من وجهة نظر الصحة العامة
تضم المراكز البحثية علماء وباحثيـــن يعمــلون على دراسة مشكلة ما عامة ومهمة عن طريق إجراء أبحاث ودراسات مركزة ومكثفة، والعمل على تقديم الحلول والمقترحات لمشكلات تتعلق بمجال إهتمام المركز.
Year 2020-2021
1- Knowledge of Female University Students about Obesity and its Adverse Effects on Reproductive Health
2- Breast Cancer Patients’ Experience about Involvement in Health Care: A Qualitative Study
3- Situational Analysis and Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in Egypt
4- Public Willingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccines in Saudi Arabia
5- Physicians’ Perspectives on and Experiences with Breast Cancer Patient Involvement in Health Care
6- COVID -19 Infection Prevention and Control: Review of Country Experiences
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Physicians and Pharmacists Working in Alexandria Governmental Hospitals Regarding Food Drug and Drug Nutrient Interactions
7- Serologic Profile of Hepatitis B Virus among Pregnant Women in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt
8- Hepatitis C among Hospital Personnel and Patients at a General Hospital in Kafr Elsheikh Governorate, Egypt
9- Serum MiRNA-23a as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker of Hepatitis C Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
10- Drug shortage crisis in Sudan in times of COVID-19
Effect of Aspartame and Sucralose Artificial Sweeteners on Weight and Lipid Profile of Male Albino Rats
11- COVID–19 Cases Isolated in an Alexandria University Student Dormitory
Merits and Demerits of COVID-19 Vaccines
12- Evaluation of the Microbial Quality of Food Served in a University Hospital in Alexandria
13- Vector-Borne Diseases in Egypt: Present status and accelerating towards elimination
14- Evaluation of Nordmann–Dortet–Poirel Test as a Rapid and Direct Method of Detection of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases in Urinary Tract Infections
15- Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation, and Women’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention to Practice in Egypt: A Nationwide Survey
16- The Effect of an Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior about Healthy Dietary Habits among Adolescent Females
17- Nutritional Assessment of Adult Acute Leukemia Patients
Microbiological profile of chronic suppurative otitis media among patients attending outpatient clinics at alexandria main university hospital, Egypt
18- Emergency Department Crowding of a General Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt
19- Oral Isotretinoin and its Association with Liver Functions and Cholesterol Level among Acne Patients
20- Cost-Effectiveness of National Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Developing Countries, with Reference to the Recent Egyptian Initiative
21- Online health information seeking and health literacy among non-medical college students: gender differences
22- Regression Tree Modelling to Predict Total Average Extra Costs in Household Spending During COVID-19 Pandemic
23- Public willingness to adhere to COVID-19 precautionary measures in Sudan: an application of the Health Belief Model
24- Efficacy and safety of remdesivir in hospitalized Covid-19 patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis including network meta-analysis
25- Recommendation of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination for Pregnant Females in a Country that Achieved Elimination of Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. A commentary on the Study: Knowledge and Health Beliefs of Reproductive-age Women in Alexandria about Tetanus Toxoid Immunization"
26- HBV, HCV and HIV among female sex workers; is it a health problem?
27- Governance structures and practices in for-profit and not-for profit hospitals in Egypt
28- Effect of a weight loss program on serum adiponectin and insulin resistance among overweight and obese premenopausal females
30- Depression among medical students in Alexandria, Egypt
31- Knowledge and health beliefs of reproductive-age women in Alexandria about tetanus toxoid immunization
32- Public Health Significance of Campylobacter jejuni
33- Exploring Challenges to COVID-19 Vaccination in the Darfur Region of Sudan.
34- Caesarean section: Sixteen-years’ trend, risk factors and attitudes of females delivered at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
35- Acne vulgaris: prevalence, severity, and impact on quality of life and self-esteem among Egyptian adolescents
36- Survival Patterns of Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan"
37- 180P Factors associated with late-stage diagnosis of breast cancer among Egyptian women
38- Microbiological quality of non-sterile pharmaceuticals in Egypt
39- Application of protection motivation theory to diabetic foot care Behaviours in Egypt
40- Missed nursing care, non-nursing tasks, staffing adequacy, and job satisfaction among nurses in a teaching hospital in Egypt
41- Self-medication among Alexandria University students and effect of an educational intervention on their self-medication knowledge, attitudes and practices
42- A journey through the history of dialysis in sub-Saharan Africa
43- Combination of silver nanoparticles with ineffective antibiotics against extended spectrum beta-lactamases producing isolates at Alexandria Main University Hospital, Egypt
44- A Community Pharmacy-Based Intervention in the Matrix of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outcomes (CPBI-T2DM): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
45- The formidable task of fighting COVID-19 in Sudan
46- Role of environmental surfaces and hands of healthcare workers in perpetuating multi-drug-resistant pathogens in a neonatal intensive care unit
47- Intimate partner violence among Arab women before and during the COVID-19 lockdown
48- Identifying factors increasing the risk of acquiring HIV among Egyptians to construct a consensus web-based tool for HIV risk assessment
49- Elimination of schistosomiasis requires multifactorial diagnostics: evidence from high- and low-prevalence areas in the Nile Delta, Egypt
50- Pneumonia among under-five children in Alexandria, Egypt: a case-control study
51- National health systems strengthening as the primary strategy to achieve Universal Health Coverage in African countries
52- Evaluation of Praziquantel Effectivenss After Decades of Prolonged Use in an Endemic Area in Egypt
53- Validity and reliability of the Arabic version of the "Personal Wellbeing Index-Adults" on adults with hearing impairment
54- Beneficial Role of Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation against Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Autistic Children
55- The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination psychological antecedent assessment using the Arabic 5c validated tool: An online survey in 13 Arab countries
56- Causes of under-five mortality using verbal autopsy and social autopsy studies (VASA) in Alexandria, Egypt, 2019
57- Quantitative determination of selenium in the most common food items sold in Egypt
58- Protective Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica against Diabetes in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
59- Protective Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica against Diabetes in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
60- Predicting coronary heart disease using risk assessment charts and risk factor categories
61- Vaccine hesitancy: the greatest threat to COVID-19 vaccination programs
62- Review on the burger effect: Beef industry and climate change
63- Attributes of smoking cessation in the Egyptian community: dependence matters
64- Prevalence of Obesity among King Khalid University students in, 2020, Saudi Arabia
65- COVID-19 Psychological Impact on Health Care Workers in Saudi Arabia
66- Survey on the Causes of Road Traffic Accidents in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq"
67- Effectiveness of health education in reducing secondhand smoke exposure among pregnant women visiting the antenatal clinic in Saudi Arabia: A randomized controlled trial
68- Effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination in chronic HCV patients after successful generic direct acting antiviral therapy: significance of isolated hepatitis B core antibodies
69- General Population Awareness Regarding Colorectal Cancer and its Determinants in Aseer region, Saudi Arabia"
70- Psychiatric morbidity and dietary habits during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study among Egyptian Youth (14–24 years)
71- Spatio-temporal Distribution of Meningitis in HIV Patients in Northern Egypt (2000-2018)
72- High Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Antibody in Breast Cancer Patients in Egypt
73- Appropriateness of Admission to General Medical-Surgical ICUs in a University Teaching Hospital "A prospective follow-up study"
74- Skin Disorders Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Children in Alexandria, Egypt
75- Mental Health of COVID-19 Patients—A Cross-Sectional Survey in Saudi Arabia
76- Antibacterial Effect of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
77- Prevalence and risk factors of HBV and HCV co-infection among people living with HIV in an Egyptian setting.
78- Arabic validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the 5C scale for assessment of COVID-19 vaccines psychological antecedents
79- Awareness, attitude, and practice regarding E-cigarettes among students at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia"
80- Assessment of oxidative stress among refueling workers in an Egyptian setting
81- Violence against Women in a Slum Area in Helwan, Cairo, Egypt: A Community Based Survey
82- An Epidemiological Study of Female Breast Cancer in SulaymaniyahCity, Iraqi Kurdistan
83- Performance and modification of EGCRISC among hepatitis C virus high-risk groups
84- Evaluation of Interferon Gamma Release Assay in the Diagnosis of Active and Latent Tuberculosis among Patients and Contacts
85- Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Supplementation on Anthropometrical Parameters and Dietary Intake of Autistic Children
86- Prevalence and association between sleep, stress, and physical activity among medical students in southern region" Saudi Arabia"
87- Copper IUD increases virulence of non-albicans Candida species isolated from women with vulvovaginal candidiasis
88- Enhanced mosquitocidal efficacy of pyrethroid insecticides by nanometric emulsion preparation towards Culex pipiens larvae with biochemical and molecular docking studies
89- Study of some risk factors for fungal contamination of dental unit waterlines in Alexandria, Egypt
90- Vitamin D Content in Some Food Items Sold in Egyptian Markets
91- GIS-Based Analysis Framework to Identify the Determinants of COVID-19 Incidence and Fatality in Africa
92- Effect of First Aids Program on Workers′ Knowledge and Practices in Kom Hamada Spinning and Weaving Factory
93- The Socio-Demographic Characteristics Associated with Non-Communicable Diseases among the Adult Population of Dubai: Results from Dubai Household Survey 2019
94- Prevalence of primary headache among King Khalid University students in 2019
95- General population awareness regarding iron deficiency anaemia and its relation with nutrition and dietary habits
96- Development and Validation of a Biobank Questionnaire Intended for the Public in the Arab Region
97- Safety and Efficacy of Teplizumab for Treatment of Type One Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis- Be careful with ecological associations
98- Perceptions of Traumatic Brain Injury among Preventive Medicine Program Residents in Aseer Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
99- Determinants of antenatal and postnatal care service utilization in Burundi: analysis of the 2016-2017 Burundian demographic and health survey
100- Vitamin D Deficiency and Clinically Detected Scoliosis among Male Adolescents at High-Altitude Area in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
101- Experience of Basic Life Support among King Khalid University Health Profession Students, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
102- COVID-19-Related Mortality across the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Based on Countries ,Available Data Up to November, 2020"
103- Preliminary Validation of a Patient Satisfaction Instrument in the Emergency Department
104- Challenges and Opportunities towards the Development of Risk Assessment at the Consumer Phase in Developing Countries—The Case of Campylobacter Cross-89- Contamination during Handling of Raw Chicken in Two Middle Eastern Countries
105- Dietary practices of adult Egyptians before and during the COVID-19 lockdown
106- Domestic Saudi Arabian Travellers’ Understanding about COVID-19 and Its Vaccination
107- Association between mode of delivery and breastfeeding practices in Egypt: secondary analysis of Egypt Demographic and Health Survey
108- Study of stigma among depressed and COVID-19 infected patients
109- Quality of life among caregivers of asthmatic children attending pulmonology clinics at Hamad General Hospital, Qatar
110- Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among the General Population in Saudi Arabia during Covid-19 Pandemic
111- Contemporary public image of the nursing profession in Saudi Arabia
112- Association between maternal high-risk fertility behavior and anemia among reproductive age women in Ethiopia
113- Knowledge & Awareness of Measles among Foreign Workers Screened for Employment in Qatar
114- Attributes of HIV infection over decades (1982–2018): A systematic review and meta-analysis
115- Impact of probiotic intake on the glycemic control, lipid profile and inflammatory markers among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
116- Evaluation of Dietary Intake Analysis Using Egyptian Modified Food Processor Software and Traditional Method: A Comparative Study
117- How accurate is the diagnosis of rheumatic fever in Egypt? Data from the national rheumatic heart disease prevention and control program (2006-2018)
118- Study of stigma among depressed and COVID-19 infected patients
119- Current Practices and Existing Gaps of Continuing Medical Education among Resident Physicians in Abha City, Saudi Arabia
120- In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of endosequence BC and AH plus root canal sealers on enteroccocus faecalis
121- Intention of Healthcare Workers to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-Sectional Survey in 10 Countries in Eastern Mediterranean Region
122- Impact of probiotic intake on the glycemic control, lipid profile and inflammatory markers among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
123- Microbial Contamination of Neonatal Injectable Lipid Emulsions at 12 and 24 Hours' Infusion Time With Evaluation of Infection Control Measures
124- COVID-19 in patients on kidney replacement therapy - clinical characteristics at triage associated with admission, readmission and short-term outcomes
125- Burnout among frontline health professionals in two African countries: a cross sectional study from Egypt and Sudan
126- Willingness to Vaccinate against COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers: An Online Survey in 10 Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
127- A Short-Term Forecast Scenario for COVID-19 Epidemic and Allocated Hospital Readiness in Egypt
128- Development and Validation of a Biobank Questionnaire Intended for the Public in the Arab Region
Year 2019-2020
1- Situational Analysis and Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in Egypt
2- Knowledge of Female University Students about Obesity and its Adverse Effects on Reproductive Health
3- Online health information seeking and health literacy among non-medical college students: gender differences
4- Emergency Department Crowding of a General Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt
5- Application of protection motivation theory to diabetic foot care Behaviours in Egypt
6- Cost-Effectiveness of National Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Developing Countries, with Reference to the Recent Egyptian Initiative
7- Attributes of smoking cessation in the Egyptian community: dependence matters
8- Caesarean section: Sixteen-years’ trend, risk factors and attitudes of females delivered at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
9- Oral Isotretinoin and its Association with Liver Functions and Cholesterol Level among Acne Patients
10- Survival Patterns of Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan
11- HBV, HCV and HIV among female sex workers; is it a health problem?
12- Effectiveness of health education in reducing secondhand smoke exposure among pregnant women visiting the antenatal clinic in Saudi Arabia: A randomized controlled trial
13- Elimination of schistosomiasis requires multifactorial diagnostics: evidence from high- and low-prevalence areas in the Nile Delta, Egypt
14- Predicting coronary heart disease using risk assessment charts and risk factor categories
15- Performance and modification of EGCRISC among hepatitis C virus high-risk groups
16- Spatial analysis of completeness of death registration in Egypt
17- Survey on the Causes of Road Traffic Accidents in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
18- Protective Effect of Opuntiaficus-indica against Diabetes in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
19- Skin Disorders Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Children in Alexandria, Egypt
20- Vitamin D Deficiency and Clinically Detected Scoliosis among Male Adolescents at High-Altitude Area in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
21- An Epidemiological Study of Female Breast Cancer in Sulaymaniyah City, Iraqi Kurdistan
22- Contemporary public image of the nursing profession in Saudi Arabia
23- Assessment of oxidative stress among refueling workers in an Egyptian setting
24- Copper IUD increases virulence of non-albicans Candida species isolated from women with vulvovaginal candidiasis
25- Violence against Women in a Slum Area in Helwan, Cairo, Egypt: A Community Based Survey
26- Vitamin D Deficiency and Clinically Detected Scoliosis among Male Adolescents at High-Altitude Area in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
27- Medical management of pneumonia in children aged under 5 years in Alexandria, Egypt: mothers’ perspective
28- Evaluation of Dietary Intake Analysis Using Egyptian Modified Food Processor Software and Traditional Method: A Comparative Study
29- Challenges and Opportunities towards the Development of Risk Assessment at the Consumer Phase in Developing Countries—The Case of Campylobacter Cross-Contamination during Handling of Raw Chicken in Two Middle Eastern Countries
30- The functional nutritional and regulatory activities of calcium supplementation from eggshell for obesity disorders management
31- Sleep hygiene, sleep-related problems, and their relations with quality of life in a primary-care population in southwest Saudi Arabia
32- Microbial Contamination of Neonatal Injectable Lipid Emulsions at 12 and 24 Hours' Infusion Time With Evaluation of Infection Control Measures
33- Studying the Safety of Instant Noodles Sold in Egyptian Hypermarkets
34- Nutritional Value of Cladodes and Fruits of Prickly Pears (Opuntia ficus-indica(
35- Training is not enough: Resistance to the application of the agreed criteria (KDIGO) for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury in intensive care units in Egypt
36- A Decision Support Model for Prioritization of Regulated Safety Inspections Using Integrated Delphi, AHP and Double-Hierarchical TOPSIS Approach
37- Diagnostic performance of waist-to-height ratio in identifying cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome among adult Saudis
38- Seasonal influenza vaccination among primary health care workers in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
39- Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) Prevalence, Associated Factors and Nutritional Practices in the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
40- Simulation of Tempcore Process for 500 MPa Steel Bars
41- Burnout prevalence and associated stressors in medical students of traditional and problem-based learning curricula in a Saudi University
42- Attributes of HIV infection over decades (1982–2018): A systematic review and meta‐analysis
43- Back Pain and Schoolbags among Adolescents in Abha City, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
44- Effect of Water Shortage and Pollution of Irrigation Water on Water Reuse for Irrigation in the Nile Delta
45- Micronutrients Analysis of Fresh and Canned “Agaricus Bisporus” and “Pleurotus Ostreatus” Mushroom Sold in Alexandria Markets, Egypt
46- Validation of a Non-Laboratory Based Screening Tool for Predicting Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in an Egyptian Setting
47- Vitamin D Content in Some Food Items Sold in Egyptian Markets
48- A clinical rule for the prediction of meningitis in HIV patients in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy
49- Noninvasive biomarkers predict improvement in liver fibrosis after successful generic DAAs based therapy of chronic hepatitis C in Egypt
50- Patients' perceptions and preferences for physicians' attire in hospitals in south western Saudi Arabia
51- Sofosbuvir-/Daclatasvir-based therapy for chronic HCV and HCV/hepatitis B virus coinfected patients in Egypt 2019
52- Effect of an Educational Program on Food Safety Practices in Food Preparation and Handling Procedures in Governmental Hospitals of an Egyptian Governorate
53- Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care in Alexandria
54- Evaluation of Topical Antiseptics against Biofilm Formation of Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
55- Pattern of Caffeine Consumption among University Students
56- Detection of Campylobacter in Chicken Parts by Conventional Methods and Polymerase Chain Reaction with Identification of Antibiotic Resistance Profile
57- Assessment of Chemical Composition of Spirulina Platensis and its Effect on Fasting Blood Glucose and Lipid Profile in Diabetic Rats
58- Impact of a Mass Media Campaign on Adults’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Antibiotic Use
59- Infection Control Knowledge and Practices of Obstetricians during Normal Labor in Maternity Hospitals in Alexandria: An Intervention Study
60- Universal precautions needed for preventing blood-borne infections: Knowledge, attitude, and practices of health care workers at King Abdulaziz University
61- Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Egyptian HIV-Infected Patients with Isolated Anti-HBc
62- Smoking Attributable Inpatient Healthcare Expenditure among Adults in Alexandria, Egypt
63- Trends in rheumatic heart disease in Egypt (2006–2018): data from the national rheumatic heart prevention and control program
64- Infection hazard of exposure to intestinal parasites, H. pylori and hepatitis viruses among municipal sewage workers: a neglect high risk population
65- Prevalence of Stunting, Overweight and Obesity amongEgyptian Primary School Children in Behera Governorate
66- Male Partners’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perception of Women’s Breast Cancer in Abha, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
67- Host-Related Predictors of Persistence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection
68- Knowledge and barriers to screening for colorectal cancer among Saudis in Riyadh city using health belief model
69- Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated From Raw Milk and Dairy Products Collected From Alexandria, Egypt
70- Geospatial epidemiology of hepatitis C infection in Egypt 2017 by governorate
71- Antimicrobial potency of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Egyptian artisanal dairy products and milk of different species.
72- Adapting a Prediction Rule for Metabolic Syndrome Risk Assessment Suitable for Developing Countries
73- Biochemical changes among municipal solid waste sorting workers: implications for personal protective equipment availability and use
74- Impact of Dietary Counseling on Control of Hyperphosphatemia Among Hemodialysis Patients
75- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Breast Cancer among Saudi Women: A Cross-sectional Study in Riyadh
76- Prevalence of Resistant Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in Bahrain: A Community Based Study
77- A multifaceted risk model of brucellosis at the human–animal interface in Egypt
78- Oral Health Status and Habits among 6 -13 Years Old Children with Limited Access to DentalCare in South Jeddah
79- Critical Value Reporting at Egyptian Laboratories
80- Effect of Teaching Strategies on Academic Performance of Junior Medical Students
81- Antimicrobial activities of five bacterial isolates associated with two Red Sea
82- Sponges and their potential against multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens
83- Are proton pump inhibitors among the risk factors for acute coronary syndrome? A multi-centric case-control study between patients attending governmental hospitals in western Saudi Arabia
84- A Longitudinal Study for the Effect of Vitamin D Adjunct to Chemotherapy on Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients after Mastectomy
85- Immunological Factors Associated with Adult Asthma in the Aseer Region, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
86- The potential role of angiopoietin-like protein-8 in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a possibility for predictive diagnosis and targeted preventive measures?
87- Environmental impact assessment model for buildings’ construction activities
88- Multidomain Convergence of Argonaute during RISC Assembly Correlates with the Formation of Internal Water Clusters
89- Neonatal cholestasis: recent insights
90- A journey through the history of dialysis in sub-Saharan Africa
Year 2018-2019
1-Occurrence and biofilm forming ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the water output of dental unit waterlines in a dental center in Alexandria, Egypt
2-The Effect of Honey Supplementation Formula on Delaying Some Fatigue Markers on 1500 Meters Runners with No Impact on Performance
3-A multifaceted risk model of brucellosis at the human-animal interface in Egypt
4-Sofosbuvir-/Daclatasvir-based therapy for chronic HCV and HCV/hepatitis B virus coinfected patients in Egypt.
5-Generic Sofosbuvir-/Daclatasvir-based therapy for chronic HCV and HCV/HBV co-infected patients in Egypt
6-Relations between Eating and Exercise behaviors and Predicted Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Metabolic Syndrome (METS) among Nurses at Alexandria Main University Hospital
7- Assessment of the Quality of Job Descriptions of Safety Jobs in the Saudi Companies
8-Community pharmacists' perceptions, awareness and practices regarding counterfeit medicines: a cross-sectional survey in Alexandria, Egypt
9- Seroprevalence of HBV among Egyptian municipal solid waste workers
10-FP765 the effect of living donor source on patient and graft survival among kidney transplant recipients in the ERA-EDTA registry
11-Opportunistic parasitoses among Egyptian hemodialysis patients in relation to CD4+ T-cell counts: a comparative study
12-Quality of Life and its predictors among Qatari Elderly Attending Primary Health Care Centers in Qatar.
13- Geospatial Analysis of Breast Cancer in Alexandria: Application of a Novel Public Health Tool
14- Potential of hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpenes against Culex pipiens larvae: Toxicity, biochemical, pharmacophore modeling and molecular docking studies
15- Immunological Factors Associated with Adult Asthma in the Aseer Region, Southwestern Saudi Arabia.
16- Male Partners' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perception of Women's Breast Cancer in Abha, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
17-Molecular Detection and Epidemiological Features of Selected Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Enteropathogens in Stool Specimens from Children with Acute Diarrhea
18- Childhood Diarrhoea in the Eastern Mediterranean Region with Special Emphasis on Non-Typhoidal Salmonella at the Human–Food Interface
19- Infection control in child daycare centers: logistics, knowledge, and practices of caregivers
20-Oral Health in Adults with Diabetes: Oral Health Conditions, Knowledge and Practice Following an Oral Health Educational Program
21-Infection Control Procedures and Practices in Intensive Care Units of a General Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen
21-Factors Affecting Maternal Tetanus Vaccination in Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt
22-Evaluation of Antiviral and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Herbal Extracts
23- Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Egypt: Current Situation and Future Perspective
24- Macronutrients analysis of Fresh and Canned “Agaricus Bisporus” and “Pleurotus Ostreatus” Mushroom Species sold in Alexandria Markets, Egypt.
25- Classroom Furniture Mismatch and Back Pain Among Adolescent School-Children in Abha City, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
26-Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) and risk factors of brucellosis at the human-animal interface in the Nile Delta, Egypt
27- Performance of neck circumference to predict obesity and metabolic syndrome among adult Saudis: a cross-sectional study
28- Prevalence and factors associated with low back pain among health care workers in southwestern Saudi Arabia
29- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among chronic kidney disease patients: an epidemiological study
30- Molecular Screening of VAX1 Gene Polymorphisms Uncovered the Genetic Heterogeneity of Nonsyndromic Orofacial Cleft Among Saudi Arabian Patients
31- Evaluation of the Efficacy of Three Antimicrobial Agents Used for Regenerative Endodontics: An In Vitro Study
32- Evaluation of antibiotic susceptibility test results: how guilty a laboratory could be?
33- Incidence and contributing factors of glucose intolerance in Saudi postpartum women: Sub-group analysis from RAHMA study
34- Neglected Zoonoses and the Missing Opportunities for One Health Education: The Case of Cystic Echinococcosis among Surgically Operated Patients in Basra Southern Iraq.
35-Traffic Air Quality Health Index in a Selected Street, Alexandria
36- Evaluation of Leading Safety Performance of Primary School Buildings in Alexandria, Egypt: Cross-Sectional Study
37- Assessment of Drug Use in Family Health Facilities in Alexandria
38- Effect of Fortification of Biscuits with Flaxseed on Omega 3 and Calcium Content of the Products
39-Caffeine content of products in Egyptian markets and its daily intake among Alexandria University employees
40- Mammography Screening Utilization Behavior among Egyptian Female Employees in Alexandria
41- Effect of a Nutritional Education Program on Nutritional Status of Elderly in Rural Areas of Damanhur City, Egypt
42- Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Egyptian Travelers: Pre-travel Vaccination and Malaria Prophylaxis
43-Occupational risk of HCV infection among slaughter house workers
44- Effect of a home based, low intensity, physical exercise program in older adults dialysis patients: a secondary analysis of the EXCITE trial
45- Artemether and Praziquantel: Origin, Mode of Action, Impact, and Suggested Application for Effective Control of Human Schistosomiasis
46- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease among Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Abha City, South Western Saudi Arabia
47-Hepatitis C Virus Infection at Primary Healthcare Level in Abha City, Southwestern Saudi Arabia: Is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus an Associated Factor?
48- Dietary Intervention in Clinical Improvement of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Patients
49- Design and Optimization of Bioactive Paper Immobilized with Acetylcholinesterase for Rapid Detection of Organophosphorus and Carbamate Insecticides
50- Vancomycin resistance among Staphylococcus aureus isolates in a rural setting, Egypt
51- Relations between Eating and Exercise behaviors and Predicted Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Metabolic Syndrome (METS) among Nurses at Alexandria Main University Hospital
52- Geospatial Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Infection in Egypt
53-Book title Current Trends in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 3, Chapter 3 Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - Print ISBN: 978-93-89246-02-5
54- Book title Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, 5th Edition. Chapter 10 : Eleven Campylobacter Species. ISBN: 978-1-555-81996-5
Year 2017-2018
1- A retrospective study of human cystic echinococcosis in Basrah province, Iraq
2- Mothers' Epilepsy-related Knowledge, Healthcare Practices and Attitudes
3- Prevalence and characteristics of female sexual dysfunction among a sample of Egyptian women
4- Low FODMAP diet in Egyptian patients with Crohn's disease in remission phase with functional gastrointestinal symptoms
5- Five-year epidemiological trends for chemical poisoning in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
6- Reproductive health profile and circumcision of females in the Hali semi-urban region, Saudi Arabia: A community-based crosssectional survey
7- Ligasure, Harmonic Scalpel versus conventional diathermy in excisional haemorrhoidectomy: a randomized controlled trial
8- Forecasting future changes in Manzala Lake surface area by considering variations in land use and land cover using remote sensing approach
9- Effect of a home based, low intensity, physical exercise program in older adults dialysis patients: a secondary analysis of the EXCITE trial
10- Baseline assessment of patient safety culture in public hospitals in Kuwait
11- Iron deficiency, its epidemiological features and feeding practices among infants aged 12 months in Qatar: a cross-sectional study
12- Prevalence and burden of chronic kidney disease among the general population and high-risk groups in Africa: a systematic review
13- Association between Duration of Predialysis Care and Mortality after Dialysis Start Pseudomonas aeruginosa in swimming pools
14- Prevalence of Chronic Diabetic Complications in Newly Diagnosed versus Known Type 2 Diabetic Subjects in a Sample of Alexandria Population, Egypt.
15 Oral and Dental Health Status among Adolescents with Limited Access to Dental Care Services in Jeddah
16- Changes in dietary habits, physical activity and status of metabolic syndrome among expatriates in Saudi Arabia
17- Tuberculosis Trends in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Twelve Years Experience with the Implementation of Selective BCG Vaccination Strategy
18- Relationships between health risk behaviors and protective factors among adolescent school students by adopting the Structural Equation Model Biliary atresia recent insight
19- Prevalence, risk factors and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella diarrhoeal infection among children in Thi-Qar Governorate, Iraq
20- Intact FGF23 and α‐klotho during acute inflammation/sepsis in CKD patients
21- Vancomycin resistance among Staphylococcus aureus isolates in a rural setting, Egypt
22- Impact of IL-27p28 (rs153109) and TNF-α(rs1800629) Genetic Polymorphisms on the Progression of HCV Infection in Egyptian Patients
23- Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Egyptian Travelers: Pre-travel Vaccination and Malaria Prophylaxis
24- In Hospital Stroke Mortality: Rates and Determinants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
25- Influenza Vaccination in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Coverage Status and Its Determinants in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
26- Asthma action plan for proactive bronchial asthma self-management in adults: a randomized controlled trial
27- Perspectives of pharmacy staff on dispensing subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics: a theory informed qualitative study
28- An ageing world of the 21st century: a literature review
29- Study of Stroke Incidence in the Aseer Region, Southwestern Saudi Arabia
30- Genome instability in childhood obesity: A conceptual framework for an assessment, intervention and monitoring programme of inflammation and DNA damage in paediatric obesity
31- Nutritional Management in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Challenges and opportunities
32- Rapid Immunochromatographic Test (RDT) Versus ELISA Technique for Diagnosing Toxoplasmosis among Individuals with Mental Disabilitie
33- Travel Health Survey: Risk Perception, Health-Seeking Behavior, and Subjective Evaluation of Travel Health Services in Egypt
34- Workplace assessment by fuzzy decision tree and TOPSIS methodologies to manage the occupational safety and health performance
35- Evaluating Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate Outcome for Health-Related Quality of Life in OncologyA Systematic Review and Quantitative Analysis
36- Psychosocial profile of institutionalised street children in Alexandria, Egypt: a comparative study with school children
37- Sleep Quality among Medical Students at King Abdulaziz University: A Cross-sectional Study
38- Application of Health Belief Model for Hygienic Behavior of Mothers of Hospitalized Children in Alexandria
39- Dietary Habits and Age at Menarche in Relation to Body Weight Among Preparatory School Girls in Alexandria
40- Effect of Fortification of Biscuits with Flaxseed on Omega 3 and Calcium Content of the Products
41- Evaluation of Different Diagnostic Approaches for Detection of Cryptosporidium in Stools of Diarrheic Children
42- Evaluation of Leading Safety Performance of Primary School Buildings in Alexandria, Egypt
43- Evaluation of the Efficacy of Pediatric Suspension of Praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni in Experimental Animals
44- Impact of Educational Program on Reproductive Health Knowledge of Female Preparatory School Students in Alexandria Governorate
45- Mammography Screening Utilization Behavior among Egyptian Female Employees in Alexandria
46- Occurrence of some Oral Potentially Pathogenic Microorganisms and their associated Risk Factors
47- Serum Vitamin D Level in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects: Relation to Glycemic Control, Insulin Resistance and Proinflammatory Markers
48- Traffic Air Quality Health Index in a Selected Street, Alexandria
49- Validity of PCR Versus Coproscopic Examination for Diagnosing Infection with Schistosoma mansoni in a Low Intensity Endemic Area in Egypt
50- Cost-effectiveness of EGCRISC application versus hepatitis C virus mass screening in Egypt
51- A Measure of Barriers Toward Medical Disclosure Among Health Professionals in the United Arab Emirates
52- Assessment of Drug Use in Family Health Facilities in Alexandria
53- Mobile Phone Addiction and Its Relationship to Sleep Quality and Academic Achievement of Medical Students at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
54- The Prevalence and Predictors of Iron Deficiency Anemia among Rural Infants in Nablus Governorate
55- Evidence Based Medicine and Guidelines: Awareness, Perceptions and Practice of Physicians from a University Hospital and Primary Health Care Centers, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
56- Chemical composition of the essential oils isolated from peel of three citrus species and their mosquitocidal activity against Culex pipiens
57- Folate/Vitamin B12 Supplementation Combats Oxidative Stress-Associated Carcinogenesis in a Rat Model of Colon Cancer
58- Identifying children with Special Health Care Needs in Alexandria, Egypt
59- Real-life results of sofosbuvir based therapy in chronic hepatitis C -naïve and -experienced patients in Egypt
60- Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Healthcare Setting in Alexandria, Egypt
61- Risk, Predictors, and Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Units in Egypt
62- Overweight and Obesity among Preschool Children aged 2–5 Years in Alexandria, Egypt
63- Consumer-oriented evaluation of the service provided by the department of health education and information in Alexandria, Egypt
64- Perceptions of clinical years’ medical students and interns about factors affecting their exam performance, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
65- Efficacy of two mouth rinse sprays in inhibiting Streptococcus mutans growth on toothbrush bristles
66- Knowledge, Awareness and Practices Regarding Cystic Echinococcosis among Livestock Farmers in Basrah Province, Iraq
67- Risk Factors Associated with Brucella Seropositivity in Sheep and Goats in Duhok Province, Iraq
68- Assessment of respirable particulates in two residential areas of Kuwait State during dusty and nondusty storms: A time-series comparative study
69- Bacteriological assessment of some vegetables and ready-to-eat salads in Alexandria, Egypt
70- Injured coliforms in swimming pools : How big a threat?
71- Pattern and correlates of tobacco smoking among mentally ill male patients in El-Mamoura Psychiatric Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt
Year 2016-2017
1. Effect of parenteral supplementation with glutamine dipeptide on neutrophil recovery among patients with acute myeloid leukaemia in Alexandria Main University …
2. Prophylactic effect of artemether on human schistosomiasis mansoni among Egyptian children: a randomized controlled trial
3. Validation of EGCRISC for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Screening and Risk Assessment in the Egyptian Population
4. Evaluation of released malathion and spinosad from chitosan/alginate/gelatin capsules against Culex pipiens larvae
5. The effectiveness of different interventions on body weight and fat of obese adult females
6. Organizational Cynicism and Its Consequences on Nurses and Quality of Care in Critical Care and Toxicology Units
7. Sero-prevalence and risk factors associated with toxoplasma gondii infection among pregnant women in Alexandria, Egypt
8. Quality of life, job satisfaction and their related factors among nurses working in king Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
9. The Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan Products Blended with Monoterpenes and Their Biofilms against Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
10. THU-208-Performance of the validated EGCRISC screening tool in chronic hepatitis C infection detection after application in the Egyptian setting
11. Prevalence and Complications of Pregestational and Gestational Diabetes in Saudi Women: Analysis from Riyadh Mother and Baby Cohort Study (RAHMA)
12. Demographic profile and pregnancy outcomes of adolescents and older mothers in Saudi Arabia: analysis from Riyadh Mother (RAHMA) and Baby cohort study
13. Effectiveness of health education programme: Level of knowledge about prevention of cervical cancer among Saudi female healthcare students
14. Environmental Determinants of Bronchial Asthma among Saudi School Children in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
15. A prospective study of prevalence of uncontrolled glycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients.: 60.
16. Isolation of anti-fungal agent from a soil inhabitant Streptomyces albaduncus-M51 and its efficacy against osmophilic food spoilage by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
17. Enteral Nutrition in Intensive Care Units: Factors that Hinder Adequate Delivery
18. Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in children and their mothers using some non-invasive techniques
19. Preparation of Ecofriendly Formulations Containing Biologically Active Monoterpenes with Their Fumigant and Residual Toxicities against Adults of Culex pipiens
20. Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors among Employees and Their Families of a Saudi University: An Epidemiological Study
21. Can Multiple Mini-Interviews Predict Academic Performance of Dental Students? A Two-Year Follow-Up
22. Exercise in Patients on Dialysis: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial
23. Community pharmacists' perspective toward medical prescription clarity and content in Alexandria, Egypt: 51E.
25. Risky exposures and national estimate of HCV seroprevalence among school children in urban Egypt
26. Asthma Triggers and Control among Adults in an Egyptian Setting
27. Translation, validation, and cultural adaptation of the index of male genital self-image in Egypt
28. Dexmedetomidine decreases the required amount of bupivacaine for ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block in pediatrics patients: a randomized study
29. Comparison Between Dexamethasone and Ibuprofen for Postoperative Pain Prevention and Control After Surgical Implant Placement: A Double-Masked, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial
30. Efficacy of the Clove Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Thyme Oil and Origanum Oil against Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia Complex
31. Dietary Acrylamide Intake and Timing of Pubertal Transition in Adolescents
32. Strawberry Shelf Life, Composition, and Enzymes Activity in Response to Edible Chitosan Coatings
33. Occupational Safety and Health Conditions Aboard Small- and Medium-Size Fishing Vessels: Differences among Age Groups
34. Is sdLDL a valuable screening tool for cardiovascular disease in patients with metabolic syndrome?
35. Preparation and Characterization of Biopolymers Chitosan/Alginate/Gelatin Gel Spheres Crosslinked by Glutaraldehyde
36. Evaluation the potential impact of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and pumping scenarios on groundwater level in the Nile Delta aquifer
37. Pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting with pseudo-achalasia and para-neoplastic neurological syndrome (Guillain-Barre): A case report
38. Development and validation of an Arabic questionnaire to assess psychosocial determinants of eating behavior among adolescents: a cross-sectional study
39. POPs in Sparus auratus Species from the Eastern and Western Egyptian Mediterranean Coast: A Health Hazard Study
40. Monitoring Water Pollution Levels in Wadi Hanifa, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and its Public Health Implications
41. Association between exposure to pesticides and disorder on hematological parameters and kidney function in male agricultural workers
42. Efficacy of a multi-component psychosocial intervention program for caregivers of persons living with neurocognitive disorders, Alexandria, Egypt: A randomized controlled trial
43. Effect of Nigella sativa seed administration on prevention of febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy among children with brain tumors
44. lamblia and H. pylori infections among mentally challenged individuals in rehabilitation centers in Alexandria, Egypt
45. Perspectives of pharmacy staff on dispensing subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics: a theory informed qualitative study
46. Obligation towards medical errors disclosure at a tertiary care hospital in Dubai, UAE
47. Nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and the effect of tea extracts on isolates
48. The relationship between the BMI and the emotional status of Alexandria University students, Egypt
49. Disruptive physician behaviors and their impact on patient care in a health insurance hospital in Alexandria, Egypt
أ.د انجى الغيطانى: جائزة جامعة الاسكندرية للتشجيع العلمى (فى المجال الطبى) أ.د بثينة محمد سامى الجريدى: جائزة الاستاذ الجامعي القدوة من مؤسسة الدكتور مرسي عرب لدعم القيم الاخلاقية والإنسانية كلية الطب أ.د عزة محمد جلال فرغلى: جائزه الجامعه للتاليف العلمى فى مجال العلوم الطبيه
أ.د مكاوي احمد عاقل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية وجائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد عباس البراوي :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد عباس البراوي :درع جامعة الإسكندرية للتميز الادارى أ.د ابراهيم فهمى خربوش:درع جامعة الإسكندرية للتميز الادارى أ.د نهاد ابراهيم رياض دبوس:درع جامعة الإسكندرية للتميز الادارى أ.د رشيدة محمد رشيد :جائزة الجامعة للتميز العلمي أ.د عبلة إبراهيم السيد أيوب :جائزة الجامعة للتميز العلمي أ.د سامية أحمد السيد نصير :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د عادل عبد الحليم عبد العزيز عمارة :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مصطفي إبراهيم مراد:درع جامعة الإسكندرية للتميز الادارى
أ.د حسن حسن متولى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نجوى يونس أبو العنين: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د هبة سيد أحمد سيد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د أحمد عبد الرحيم حمزة: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد فوزى حافظ: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نجلاء فاروق أحمد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د عزت خميس أمين: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مصطفى عبد الفتاح ابو الفتوح: جائزة الجامعة للتميز العلمى فى العلوم الطبية أ.د منى حسن نشأت حشيش: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د وفاء محمد كامل: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د هدى احمد محمد الشامى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د ماجدة رمضان محمد:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د عبد الله إبراهيم شحا ته:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ليندا ميخائيل سعد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد عباس البراوي :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية وجائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد مصلحى موسى:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د سميحة احمد مختار:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د وفاء محمد كامل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د منى حسن نشأت:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د مصطفي عبد الفتاح ابو الفتوح :جائزة التميز لتقدير العلمي في مجال العلوم الإنسانية أ.د عزت خميس أمين:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد فوزي حافظ:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نجلاء فاروق احمد :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د محمد درويش البرجى :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد حسين محمد خليل:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نجيبة فؤاد لطفى:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د حسن حسن متولي :جائزة الجامعة للتشجيع العلمى أ.د وفاء ابراهيم الشال:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ. د نجوي يونس أبو العنيين:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د هبة سيد احمد:جائزة الجامعة للتشجيع العلمى أ.د على عبد الحليم حسب:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د ثناء احمد المصرى :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د عايدة على رضا :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د منى السيد محمد الشامي :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د وفاء وهيب جرجس:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د على خميس أمين:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د منى محمد مرتضى:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د أميرة محمود سعد قطقاط:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د فاتن حامد نوفل:جائزة الجامعة التقديرية
أ.د ألفت دسوقى السباعى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مصطفى أحمد عبد المنعم: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نهاد حسن مهدى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد محى الدين مخلوف: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمود فتحى الشرقاوى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د بثينة محمد سامى دغيدى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د عبير على محمود: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د جيهان محمد منير: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د منال رياض عبد الحليم قورة: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د خلود يحى أحمد طايل: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د ميرفت وجدى أبو نازل: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مرفت وجدي عبد الفتاح:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د خلود يحى احمد طايل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د منال رياض عبد الحليم قورة:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د جيهان محمد منيرإسماعيل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د بثينة محمد سامي دغيدي:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د عبير على محمود:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د محمد محي الدين موسى :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د محمود فتحي محمد الشرقاوى :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د مصطفى احمد عبد المنعم عرفه:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نهاد حسن مهدي:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية
أ.د أسامة محمد أحمد عوض: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمود مصطفى الطويلة: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نهاد إبراهيم رياض دبوس: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د حنان على عبد الحميد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د محمد الأمين عبد الفتاح عيسى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مدحت صلاح الدين عطية: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د محمد عباس البراوى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د أحمد حسام الدين علي : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د محمد عباس البراوى: جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د احمد حسام الدين على:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د سوسن إبراهيم فهمي:جائزة الجامعة للتقدير العلمي أ.د اسماعيل عبد المنعم احمد:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ابراهيم فهمى خربوش:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د مدحت صلاح الدين عطيه:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د حنان على عبد الحميد :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د محمود محمد مصطفى الطويلة :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نهاد ابراهيم رياض دبوس:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د اسامة محمد أحمد عوض :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية
أ.د مجدى يوسف شامى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د إجلال عبد السلام غنيم: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د نرمين محمود عبد العال: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د لندة ميخائيل سعد : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د ماجدة رمضان أحمد :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د عبد اللة إبراهيم شحاتة :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د سميحة أحمد مختار: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د حسن محمد حسن صاع : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د هدى أحمد عبد الشافى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د ليلى محمد حامد نوفل : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د هدى احمد محمد الشامى:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ليلى حامد نوفل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د سميحة احمد مختار:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د حسين محمد حسين :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ماجدة رمضان محمد:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ليندا ميخائيل سعد:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نرمين محمود عبد العال:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د إجلال عبد السلام غنيم :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د مجدي يوسف شامي :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية
أ.د هادية هانم أحمد :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د أحمد إبراهيم عيسى : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د هناء محمد محمد إسماعيل : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د منجية على جودة : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د نجوان السيد يوسف : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د سهير محمد بيومى الكرادسى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د زهيرة متولى جاد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د ألفت دسوقى السباعى : جائزة الإنجازات البيئية العالمية من قبل برنامج الأمم المتحدة ا.د ليلى أحمد العطار: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د فاطمة عبد الخالق بسيونى :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د نوال عبد الرحيم السيد :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د فوزية عباس إبراهيم :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د عزت محمد حسن : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د ألفت دسوقي السباعي :جائزة الانجازات البيئية العالمية من قبل برنامج الأمم للبيئة أ.د يس محمد الصادق:جائزة الجامعة للتقدير العلمي أ.د نوال عبد الرحيم السيد:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ثريا على الشاذلي:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د عزت محمد حسن:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د فوزية عباس ابراهيم:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ليلى احمد العطار :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د فاطمة عبدالخالق بسيونى:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نجوان السيد يوسف:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د زهيرة متولي جاد :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د سهير محمد بيومى الكراديسى:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د فتحية على جودة:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د هناء محمد محمد اسماعيل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د هادية هانم احمد ابو دنيا:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د احمد إبراهيم عيسى:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية
أ.د نائلة حسن عامر: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د علية عبد الجواد عباس: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د ثريا على الشاذلى: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية أ.د مكاوى أحمد عاقل: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د سامية جلال عبد الحميد سعد: وسام العلوم والفنون من الطبقة الأولى ا.د سامية جلال عبد الحميد سعد : جائزة الدولة في البحوث الطبية ا.د ثريا عبد المجيد الفقى : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د هشام عبود : جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د سامية جلال عبد الحميد سعد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د سامية جلال عبد الحميد سعد: جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية ا.د أحمد عبد الرحيم حمزة: وسام العلوم و الفنون من الطبقة الأولى ا.د ألفت دسوقى السباعى :جائزة الجامعة التقديرية ا.د أحمد عبد الرحيم حمزة :جائزة الدولة فى البحوث البيئية أ.د ألفت دسوقي السباعي :جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د هشام بيومي الدرع:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د ثريا عبد الحميد ألفقي:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د مكاوي احمد عاقل:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د نائلة حسن عامر:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية أ.د علية عبد الجواد عباس:جائزة الجامعة التشجيعية
أ.د محمد مصيلحى موس: جائزة الدولة التشجيعية فى العلوم الطبية أ.د رشيدة محمد رشيد: جائزة الجامعة التقديرية