تمنح جامعة الإسكندرية بناء على طلب مجلس المعهد العالى للصحة العامة درجات الماجستير الآتية:
درجة ماجستير فى الصحة العامة وتمنح للأطباء البشريين فقط فى التخصصات الآتية:
1- Epidemiology |
2- Biostatistics |
3- Parasitology and Medical Entomology |
4- Tropical Health |
5- Vector Control & Pesticide Risks |
6- Primary Health Care |
7- Microbiology |
8- Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine |
9- Environmental Health |
10- Nutrition |
11- Food Hygiene and Control |
12-Food Analysis |
13- Health Management, Planning and Policy |
14- Hospital Administration |
15- Health Education and Behavioral Sciences |
16- Maternal and Child Health |
17- Adolescent and School Health |
18- Mental Health |
19- Geriatric Health |
درجة الماجستير فى علوم الصحة العامة:
1- Epidemiology |
2- Biostatistics |
3- Parasitology and Medical Entomology |
4- Vector Control & Pesticide Risks |
5- Microbiology |
6- Occupational Hygiene and Air Pollution |
7- Environmental Chemistry and Biology |
8- Environmental Engineering |
9- Environmental Health |
10- Nutrition |
11- Food Hygiene and Control |
12-Food Analysis |
13- Health Management, Planning and Policy |
14- Hospital Administration |
15- Health Education and Behavioral Sciences |
16- Public Health Nursing |
5- درجة ماجستير فى العلوم الصحية:
1- Healthcare Quality Management |
2- Hospital Management |
3- Infection Control and Health Care Environment |